On 15 October 2011 13:34, Roman Leshchinskiy <r...@cse.unsw.edu.au> wrote:
> On 15/10/2011, at 12:26, Roman Leshchinskiy wrote:
>> On 14/10/2011, at 12:37, Bas van Dijk wrote:
>>> If there's need for a specific Show instance for Vectors of Word8s we
>>> can always add one directly to vector. (Roman, what are your thoughts
>>> on this?)
>> Personally, I think that ByteString and especially Vector Word8 aren't 
>> strings and shouldn't be treated as such. But I wouldn't be strongly against 
>> showing them as strings. However, I *am* strongly against using 
>> UndecidableInstances in vector and I don't see how to implement this without 
>> using them.
> I meant OverlappingInstances, of course. To clarify, I would still consider 
> it if everybody thinks it's a really good idea.
> Roman

I agree that you shouldn't use ByteStrings or Vectors of Word8s for
Unicode strings. However I can imagine that for quick sessions in ghci
it can be quite handy if they are shown as strings. For example,
currently we have:

> import Network.HTTP.Enumerator
> simpleHttp "http://code.haskell.org/~basvandijk/";
Chunk "<html>\n<head><title>Bas van
Dijk</title></head>\n<body>\n<h1>Bas van Dijk</h1>\n\n<p>Email: <a
on IRC: <tt>basvandijk</tt></p>\n\n<a
href=\"http://www.haskellers.com/user/basvandijk/\";>\n  <img
src=\"http://www.haskellers.com/static/badge.png\"; \n       alt=\"I'm
a Haskeller\"\n       border=\"0\">\n</a>\n\n<p>See my <a
href=\"https://github.com/basvandijk\";>GitHub</a> page for a list of
projects I work on.</p>\n\n</body>\n</html>\n" Empty

If ByteStrings were not shown as strings this would look like:

Chunk ( fromList

Personally, I don't work in ghci that often so I don't care that much
if we have or don't have specialized Show instances for Vectors of

So what do other people think about this?


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