2011/10/18 Jason Dusek <jason.du...@gmail.com>:
> 2011/10/18 Ertugrul Soeylemez <e...@ertes.de>:
> > A proxy server acts a lot like an echo server.  The difference is that
> > usually before the actual proxying starts you have a negotiation phase,
> > and instead of echoing back to the same socket, you just write it to a
> > different one.  Here is an (untested) example:
> >
> >    (clientH, clientHost, clientPort) <- accept serverSock
> >    destH <- negotiate clientH
> >    doneVar <- newEmptyMVar
> >
> >    forkIO (hGetContents clientH >>= hPutStr destH >>= putMVar doneVar)
> >    forkIO (hGetContents destH >>= hPutStr clientH >>= putMVar doneVar)
> >    replicateM_ 2 (takeMVar doneVar)
> >    mapM_ hClose [clientH, destH]
> This code seems like it says: [...]

After working through Gregory Collins suggestion, above, I see
that I was not reading your code correctly.

Jason Dusek
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