Nope, I already have random installed...

2011/10/24 Thomas DuBuisson <>

> Try to install with: cabal install RSA 'random =='
> I'm guessing the issue is your "random" library is less than 1.0.1 and
> also includes an instance of Word8 (in other words, the GHC release
> you use pulled an unofficial version from the repo).
> Cheers,
> Thomas
> On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 2:13 PM, Yves Parès <> wrote:
> > I'm using GHC 7.2.1 and cabal-install 0.8 (Cabal, and when
> > "cabal install rsa"
> >
> > I got the error
> > $ cabal install rsa
> > Resolving dependencies...
> > Configuring RSA-
> > Preprocessing library RSA-
> > Preprocessing executables for RSA-
> > Building RSA-
> > [1 of 1] Compiling Codec.Crypto.RSA ( Codec/Crypto/RSA.hs,
> > dist/build/Codec/Crypto/RSA.o )
> >
> > Codec/Crypto/RSA.hs:580:10:
> >     Duplicate instance declarations:
> >       instance Random Word8 -- Defined at Codec/Crypto/RSA.hs:580:10-21
> >       instance Random Word8 -- Defined in System.Random
> > cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
> > RSA- failed during the building phase. The exception was:
> > ExitFailure 1
> >
> > Apparently it's an instance being declared twice.
> > However RSA hackage page states that it compiles under GHC 7.2:
> >
> >
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