Hey everyone,

What is the difference between MonadPlus and Alternative?  In my mind, it would 
make sense for the difference to be that the former provides "and" semantics 
(i.e., x `mplus` y means do both x and y) whereas the latter provides "or" 
semantics (i.e., x <|> y means do x or y but not both).  However, when I look 
at the instances defined for List I see that it is exactly the same as 

So is there any difference between the interpretation of MonadPlus and 
Alternative, or is the only difference between them that the former applies to 
Monad whereas the latter applies to Applicative?

Also, along similar lines, why does MonadPlus exist when it is essentially just 
a special case of Monoid?  (That is, any MonadPlus instance could be 
equivalently cast as a Monoid instance.)

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