Jeremy O'Donoghue wrote:
Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:

Does anybody care about wxHaskell?

Actually there has been quite a bit of work on wxHaskell recently, although
most has not made it into the mainline yet. The archives of wxhaskell-users
and wxhaskell-devel (both at Sourceforge) contain the details, but a short
summary below:


In short, while there has not been much headline grabbing activity, we
actually have a lot going on, and I hope it will be ready for wider use in
the next month or two. This is mostly dependent on me getting my act
together as lead maintainer.

Awesome work!

For those interested in wxHaskell, I would like to mention that it's now possible to program GUIs in a purely functional style, using functional reactive programming (FRP). See also

Jeremy, I would love to be able to use wxHaskell from ghci on MacOS X; that would speed up my GUI development cycle considerably.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


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