On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 2:54 AM, Martin DeMello <martindeme...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 2:29 AM, Holger Siegel <holgersiege...@yahoo.de> 
> wrote:
>> fromRawFile, fromSavedFile :: String -> IO [PairBox]
>> fromRawFile = mapM (\x -> makePair (x, "")) . lines
>> fromSavedFile = mapM makePair . parseFile
>> setEditor :: Editor -> [PairBox] -> IO ()
>> setEditor ed = writeIORef ed . V.fromList
>> importFile, loadFile :: Editor -> String -> IO ()
>> importFile ed = readfile >=> fromRawFile >=> setEditor
>> loadFile ed = readfile >=> fromSavedFile >=> setEditor
> Wow, very nice! First time I've truly grasped what >=> is good for.
> I'll need to go see where else I can use it in my code.

Quick question: what's the difference between

importFile ed = readfile >=> fromRawFile >=> setEditor ed


importFile = readfile >=> fromRawFile >=> setEditor

that the former compiles but the latter doesn't?


> martin

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