On Monday 05 December 2011, 14:14:56, John Sneer wrote:
> I've used Haskell and GHC to solve particular real life application. 4
>   tools were developed and their function is almost the same - they
>   modify textual input according to patterns found in the text. Thus, it

Hmm, modification can be a problem for ByteStrings, since it entails 
copying. That could be worse for strict BytStrings than lazy, if in the 
lazy ByteString you can reuse many chunks.

>   is something like a compiler, the result is also a text and it is not
>   parsed to tokens as patterns appear on a different level.
>   The tools differ in tasks and number of modifications performed,
>   otherwise, in principal, they are very much similar.
>   I used lists (Prelude, Data.List) to develop the tools. After
>   successfully completing the development, I've started to optimize the
>   code to make the tools faster. After modification of some algorithms
>   (which dropped the processing time notably), I started to change data
>   structures. I swapped lists with lazy bytestrings. Nevertheless, what
>   an unpleasant surprise, the processing speed dropped down,
>   significantly / more then 30% time needed). 

Two main possibilities:
1. your algorithm isn't suited for ByteStrings
2. you're doing it wrong

The above indicates 1., but without a more detailed description and/or 
code, it's impossible to tell.

>   So my questions follow:
> - What kind of application is lazy bytestring suitable for?

Anything that involves examining large sequences of bytes (or ASCII 
[latin1/other single-byte encoding] text) basically sequentially (it's not 
good if you have to jump forwards and backwards a lot and far).
Also some types of modification of such data.

> - Would it be worth using strict bytestring even if input files may be
> large? (They would fit in memory, but may consume whole)

Probably not, see above. But see above.

> - If bytestring is not suitable for text manipulation, is there
> something faster than lists?

text has already been mentioned, but again, there are types of manipulation 
it's not well-suited for and where a linked list may be superior.

> - It would be nice to have native sort for lazy bytestring - would it be
> slower than  pack $ Data.List.sort $ unpack ?

The natural sort for ByteStrings would be a counting sort,
O(alphabet size + length), so for long ByteStrings, it should be 
significantly faster than pack . sort . unpack, but for short ones, it 
would be significantly slower.

> - If bytestring is suitable for text manipulation could we have some
> hGetTextualContents which translates Windows EOL (CR+LF) to LF?

Doing such a transformation would be kind of against the purpose of 
ByteStrings, I think.  Isn't the point of ByteStrings to get the raw bytes 
as efficiently as possible?

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