On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 4:09 PM, James Cook <mo...@deepbondi.net> wrote:
> So a case could be made that, just as "forever (Just 1)" being nonsensical
> doesn't invalidate "instance Monad Maybe", "some (Just 1)" being nonsensical
> doesn't invalidate "instance Alternative Maybe".  And on the other hand, a
> case could be made that the importance of "some" and "many" justifies the
> creation of a subclass of Alternative where they actually are mandated to be
> meaningful rather than just definable.

Being in the same typeclass means that you can defined

  instance Alternative Maybe where

> I think we should take any further discussion off-list. Your messages from
> last night betray a deep misunderstanding that I'm not sure everyone else
> needs to sit through :-)
> Obviously I can't speak for everyone, but I enjoy reading discussions like
> this (and with a threaded mail reader, they're very easy to skip when I
> don't feel like reading them).  What seems like misunderstanding is often
> actually another person's fundamental difference of perspective, and it can
> be valuable to anyone who has skimmed the thread this far to see what, if
> any, common ground can be found.
> -- James
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