On Dec 15, 2011, at 9:31 PM, malcolm.wallace wrote:

> I do not regard that as a change in their semantics - it is perfectly allowed 
> already  Indeed, the instances of some/many that I write are already 
> lazily-unfolding, wherever possible.  It all depends simply on whether your 
> instance of Applicative is lazy or strict.

That makes sense.  So the problem is not with Alternative but with Maybe:  
specifically, the problem is that there is no way to write a fully lazy 
instance of Applicative for Maybe since both arguments have to be reduced to 
WHNF before we can determine the WHNF of the result of applying (<$>), and this 
is why some/many cannot return lazily generated lists of results.

Put another way, the problem with Maybe computations is that if there is a 
failure at any point in the computation than *the entire computation fails*, 
and this means that you can't lazily generate a list of results using some/many 
because you can't tell whether your computation was a success or a failure 
until the entire infinite computation has been run;  the only solution to this 
problem is, as others have suggested, to build domain-specific knowledge about 
Maybe into the some/many methods of Alternative instance, which I think is one 
of the good solutions that has been brought up in this discussion.  :-)

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