On 16 December 2011 13:36, Ganesh Sittampalam <gan...@earth.li> wrote:

>> Would a donation to haskell.org include a fee to SPI?  I couldn't find
>> any information on their website.
> Yes - 5% goes to SPI to cover their overheads. It's detailed in
> http://www.spi-inc.org/projects/associated-project-howto/ but not on
> their donations page at http://www.spi-inc.org/donations/.
> 5% seems reasonable to me and in line with what similar "donation
> aggregators" charge, for example the Charities Aid Foundation in the UK
> charges 4%:
> https://www.cafonline.org/my-personal-giving/plan-your-giving/individual-charity-account.aspx

Yes, that sounds reasonable.  Credit cards donations also cause an
overhead of 4.5% (and the 5% are deducted from the rest), so the total
overhead for a credit card donation would be: (1 - 0.955 * 0.95) =
9.3%  That's fairly high, but I don't see a way around that.

> In effect we've been getting the admin for free from Galois up till now,
> but it's been getting too troublesome for them.

Yes, I certainly understand that.  The other reason are tax-deductible
donations, which I assume isn't really possible with Galois handling
all the financials.

/ Thomas

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