2011/12/25 Tom Murphy <amin...@gmail.com>

>      On the other hand:
>      I'd _strongly_ argue against "making up our minds" about definitions
> within the Haskell community. Most of these concepts aren't
> Haskell-specific.
>      An example of something to avoid is our definitions of "concurrency"
> and "parallellism." We as a community have specific, good definitions of
> each term. [1] So does the Erlang community. [2] Yet the definitions don't
> have anything to do with each other, which makes talking across communities
> more difficult.
> amindfv / Tom
> [0] http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Eager_evaluation
> [1]
> http://learnyousomeerlang.com/the-hitchhikers-guide-to-concurrency#dont-panic,
> paragraph 4
> [2]
> http://book.realworldhaskell.org/read/concurrent-and-multicore-programming.html,
> "Defining concurrency and parallelism"

I kindly beg to differ. To me concurrency and parallelism have global and
cross-language definitions.
The links you gave don't only define "concurrency" and "parallelism" in
absolute as they focus their definition around Erlang's and Haskell's *models
*of concurrency/parallelism. Still the broad idea remains.

> I'd _strongly_ argue against "making up our minds" about definitions
within the Haskell community. Most of these concepts aren't

My referencial was Haskell-centric. And we can go by steps: first come to a
consensus within the Haskellers and then give broad definitions that
concerne every language.
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