On Dec 29, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Donn Cave wrote:

> Quoth Gregg Reynolds <d...@mobileink.com>,
> ..
>> A minor point maybe, but germane to the original post (I hope).
> It isn't - I mean, I'm not really sure what your point is, but
> the example really returns the same IO value, not just one of
> the same type.
> Consider an example with implementation:
>   wint :: Int -> IO Int
>   wint a = let s = show a in do
>       putStr s
>       return (length s)
> Now the expression "wint 994" is a value of type IO Int, and
> any instance of that expression is the same value

Ok, but if that were all there is to it we would not need monads.  I guess it 
may boil down to a matter of taste in definition and exposition - to me any 
account of stuff like IO Int that omits mention of the fact that, well, IO is 
involved, is incomplete.  But then I like the theoretical and even 
philosophical side of things where others tend to want to get on with writing 
useful code. ;)  And the original post was if I remember about purity/impurity 

> - an action
> is not the same as the action's result.

Nor is a computation the same as the computation's result.  The critical 
difference is that computations are deterministic processes, and "actions" (IO, 
rand, etc.) are not.  Therefore they are not functions, their evaluation must 
be ordered, and they cannot even in principle be fully modeled in purely 
functional terms.  At least I don't see how they can.

>  You can use this
> value in pure Haskell expressions with confidence.

Because they are monadic, not because they are values like other values.


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