Thank you. The document does say it more clearly than me.
But still, currently, ghc only gives me one option: cannot be built.
How about giving me another one: throw away the version information of
D when building A. So when A uses types in D with B and C, it might
work. Just the risk is on me now.
It is not perfect, but would work sometimes....

On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 2:04 PM, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
<> wrote:
> On 3 February 2012 16:54, Magicloud Magiclouds
> <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>>  As I recalled, ghc works in staticly link mode. So after one library
>> is compiled, all its build dependencies are useless. Lost, changed,
>> wheresoever, it does not matter.
>>  Then why the problem of version conflicting exists?
>>  By version conflicting I mean like following. This way, A is not
>> installable by cabal.
>> A needs B 0.1
>> A needs C 0.1
>> B needs C0.2
> See the Dreaded Diamond Dependency Problem:
> --
> Ivan Lazar Miljenovic


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