On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 18:27, HASHIMOTO, Yusaku <nonow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, I wrote a simple shell function for switching GHC version on the
> system. It works only under Mac OSX, and only switch GHCs installed
> via .pkg installers. It's useful to experiment newer features without
> worrying breaking environment.

FWIW I'd consider two alternatives:

(1) forgo links entirely and use something like
http://modules.sourceforge.net/ to manage $PATH;

(2) instead of using the bundled create-links, have the /usr/bin scripts
check a per-user symlink and fall back to a system one; running the select
script as root sets the system symlink, running as user sets the per-user

brandon s allbery                                      allber...@gmail.com
wandering unix systems administrator (available)     (412) 475-9364 vm/sms
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