Hi Sergiu,

Thanks you for your interest in that proposal. I rushed it off a year
ago. Since then we have made a lot of improvements to Persistent and
the library forms a basic building block for most Yesod users and
other Haskellers. Persistent offers a level of type-safety and
convenience not available elsewhere (except perhaps for libraries like
acid-state that are limited to in-memory storage). That being said,
there are still a lot of improvements that could be made. With the
effort of a GSoC volunteer we could probably get it to the point of
being the go-to data storage library for Haskellers, at least those
planning on using the subset of backends (likely SQL) with great
support. This proposal is vague and we would need to work with you to
narrow things down a bit.

I am biased, but I believe the Yesod project is one of the most
compelling in the Haskell ecosystem. There are a lot of different ways
a GSoC project could help make things even better besides improving
the associated Persistent library, and we would really like to mentor
at least one GSoC student. I would open more tickets for this in the
system, but I am not sure how helpful it will be. It seems that we
need to reach out to more students like yourself, but I am not sure
how to do that unless I see messages like these first.

Greg Weber

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