
On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 7:03 PM, Johan Tibell <johan.tib...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Looks really nice.


> The hovering behavior is nice, but I'd like to see
> the legend as well. It makes it quicker when you want to get a quick
> overview of what types there are, as the eye can travel back-and-forth
> between the graph and the legend.

I started with the legend but it was too big on the program that i was
profiling, so i switched to the hovering mode. I agree that it is not
optimal. Perhaps there's a way to instruct flot to show only some of the
entries or, better, order them in some useful way.  I'm no flot expert, so
ideas (or patches) on how to do it would be most appreciated!

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