Doesn't sound overused to me. FWIW, one of the ideas floating around
in my head is exactly what you're describing.

On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 2:41 PM, JP Moresmau <> wrote:
> Maybe I'll sound like an overused meme, but what about JQuery? JQuery
> already takes a combinator-like approach to Javascript and DOM
> manipulations, so maybe we could have a combinator library that would
> mimic the JQuery library. We'd obviously need some extra combinators
> for the required parts of Javascript and HTML generation that are not
> done via JQuery.
> JP
> On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 11:10 PM, Alejandro Serrano Mena
> <> wrote:
>> My idea would be reusing some of the already-available tools for compiling
>> Haskell to JS (for example, UHC), and develop with any of them a complete
>> library for client-side scripting; rather that redevelop a way to compile
>> Haskell to JS.
>> I think it's really a pity not being able to use things like what Yesod
>> provides in a client-side context. And both sides would benefit: they can
>> share common code for datatypes (as it's done in Google Web Toolkit), and
>> autogenerate some code for sending or receiving AJAX requests, for example.
>> 2012/3/6 Michael Snoyman <>
>>> On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 11:40 PM, Alejandro Serrano Mena
>>> <> wrote:
>>> > Hi,
>>> > I'm really looking forward to helping in the Summer of Code, if Haskell
>>> > goes
>>> > into it this year (something I take for granted :). I would like to
>>> > propose
>>> > an idea for a project, and I'm looking for suggestions about whether
>>> > it's
>>> > good, should be improved or it's just unfeasible.
>>> >
>>> > My idea is to make a client-side Haskell Web Toolkit, in the spirit of
>>> > Google Web Toolkit, which would allow to program in Haskell the client
>>> > part
>>> > of a web application, and would complement the web frameworks already
>>> > existing for Haskell (such as Yesod and Snap). The point is coming about
>>> > with a Haskell-ish way to program applications, to reuse all the
>>> > existing
>>> > knowledge for our beloved language.
>>> >
>>> > I've added more details in a pre-proposal in Google Docs, available
>>> >
>>> > in
>>> > Tell me if you prefer to see it in other format, but I didn't want to
>>> > generate a bigger e-mail.
>>> >
>>> > Thanks in advance.
>>> I definitely think the idea has merit. In general I'm wary of
>>> solutions which try to compile down to Javascript[1], and I'm not sure
>>> if actually providing a full Haskell-to-JS approach is a good idea.
>>> Another possibility might be a DSL/combinator library for generating
>>> JS. Though at this point, I wouldn't rule out either approach.
>>> Yesod is currently wrapping up its 1.0 release (almost certainly
>>> out-the-door by the end of April), and after that our main focus is
>>> intended to be client-side integration, so we would certainly be happy
>>> to discuss design ideas and collaborate in general.
>>> Michael
>>> [1] I say "compile down to" to mean nontrivial changes, as opposed to
>>> something like Coffeescript, which is a fairly simple conversion.
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