On 8 March 2012 21:43, Brent Yorgey <byor...@seas.upenn.edu> wrote:
> > ‘Course "fail" is suboptimal and MonadError might be better.
> Monads have nothing to do with failure.  Instead of Monad you would
> want to use something like MonadZero or MonadError.

Yeah that's what I said. GOSH. </NapoleanDynamite>

> However, these are also suboptimal because in monads which carry
> extra information about the failure (i.e. anything other than [] or
> Maybe), the lookup function now has to make up an error message,
> when it almost certainly it doesn't know enough to give a good one.

Good point! I had sort of felt this way regarding the monadic return
in the past, but thought there might be some hidden wisdom behind the
idea that I hadn't seen, and why it was in some base libraries some
time back. Hadn't paid much attention to it, though.

Indeed, the lookup function can't show the key to provide a useful
exception message. Another problem, even if you make it like lookup ::
MonadError (LookupError key) m => key -> collection -> m a, there's
still the problem that the error isn't polymorphic in the same monad,
so if lookup throws e :: LookupError the whole monad needs to be that
because the functional dep is m -> e. Making MonadError kinda
pointless. MonadZero gives no information and can't be handled
trivially like Maybe, too.

> This is why the use of Maybe is encouraged: Maybe is the *initial*
> instance of MonadZero, so you can map from it to failure in whatever
> monad you happen to be using.  Instead of being an annoyance this is
> encouraged style, because in doing the conversion *you* get to pick
> a meaningful error message.

Good points. I already use the fromMaybe style for this with lookup
and such-like.

Thanks for clarifying some things!

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