On Thursday 15 March 2012, 19:27:18, Juan Miguel Vilar wrote:
> Hello, café:
> I am trying to use more than one array with runSTUArray but I don't seem
> to be able to understand how it works. My first try is this:
> test1 n = runSTUArray $ do
>               a <- newArray (1, n) (2::Int)
>               b <- newArray (1, n) (3::Int)
>               forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> do
>                 v <- readArray a i
>                 writeArray b i (v+1)
>               return b
> but it does not work.

The compiler can infer the type of b (STUArray s Integer Int), since that 
is returned (and then frozen to a UArray Integer Int), but it cannot infer 
what array type to use for a. Thus that function does not compile.

> However, when I write
> test2 n = runSTUArray $ do
>               let createArray v n = newArray (1, n) (v::Int)

Here you create a local binding for createArray that gets a monomorphic 
type, that type is the fixed by the returning of b to

createArray :: Int -> Integer -> ST s (STUArray s Integer Int)

you can make that fail too with enabling {-# LANGUAGE NoMonoLocalBinds #-}

>               a <- createArray 2 n
>               b <- createArray 0 n
>               forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> do
>                 v <- readArray a i
>                 writeArray b i (v+1)
>               return b
> everything is fine although I expected the two versions to be
> equivalent. To further complicate matters, the following
> createArray v n = newArray (1, n) (v::Int)

This is a top-level definition, createArray is bound by a function binding, 
hence it is polymorphic again, and as in the first case, the type of a 
cannot be inferred. Give it a type signature

createArray :: Int -> Int -> ST s (STUArray s Int Int)

(I chose Int for the indices here instead of the default Integer)

> test3 n = runSTUArray $ do
>               a <- createArray 2 n
>               b <- createArray 3 n
>               forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> do
>                 v <- readArray a i
>                 writeArray b i (v+1)
>               return b
> does not work either. Where can I find an explanation for this
> behaviour? Furthermore, what I am after is to use two arrays with
> different types (Int and Bool), is it possible?

Sure, you need to use type signatures.

With expression type signatures, it would look like

test1 n = runSTUArray $ do
              a <- newArray (1, n) 2 :: ST s (STUArray s Int Int)
              b <- newArray (1, n) 3 :: ST s (STUArray s Int Int)
              forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> do
                v <- readArray a i
                writeArray b i (v+1)
              return b

If you don't want to give expression type signatures at every use, you can 
create a top-level function

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

createArray :: (Marray (STUArray s) a (ST s)) => a -> Int -> ST s (STUArray 
s Int a)
createArray v n = newArray (1,n) v

and you have to deal with only one type signature.

>    Thanks in advance,
>    Juan Miguel

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