The 17 at the end should be 12, or the 2 passed into (f+g+2) should be 3.

On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 10:38 AM, Ozgur Akgun <> wrote:
> Hi,
> If you are feeling adventurous enough, you can define a num instance for
> functions:
> {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
> instance Num a => Num (a -> a) where
>     f + g = \ x -> f x + g x
>     f - g = \ x -> f x - g x
>     f * g = \ x -> f x * g x
>     abs f = abs . f
>     signum f = signum . f
>     fromInteger = const . fromInteger
> ghci> let f x = x * 2
> ghci> let g x = x * 3
> ghci> (f + g) 3
> 15
> ghci> (f+g+2) 2
> 17
> HTH,
> Ozgur
> On 19 March 2012 16:57, <> wrote:
>> By arithmetic I mean the everyday arithmetic operations used in
>> engineering.
>> In signal processing for example, we write a lot of expressions like
>> f(t)=g(t)+h(t)+g'(t) or f(t)=g(t)*h(t).
>> I feel it would be very natural to have in haskell something like
>>   g::Float->Float
>>   --define g here
>>   h::Float->Float
>>   --define h here
>>   f::Float->Float
>>   f = g+h --instead of f t = g t+h t
>>   --Of course, f = g+h is defined as f t = g t+h t
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