I invested an enormous amount of time into this problem. Accordingly I got a very well working solution.


I am happy If you find it useful.
Yours Dirk Hünniger

Thu, 08 Sep 2011 05:36:44 -0700
Hello all
I am trying to write a Haskell program which download html pages from
wikipedia   including images and convert them into pdf . I wrote a
small script

import Network.HTTP
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List

main = do
         x<- getLine
         htmlpage<-  getResponseBody =<<  simpleHTTP ( getRequest x ) --
open url
         --print.words $ htmlpage
         let ind_1 = fromJust . ( \n ->  findIndex ( n `isPrefixOf`) .
tails $ htmlpage ) $ "<!-- content -->"
             ind_2 = fromJust . ( \n ->  findIndex ( n `isPrefixOf`) .
tails $ htmlpage ) $ "<!-- /content -->"
             tmphtml = drop ind_1 $ take ind_2  htmlpage
         writeFile "down.html" tmphtml

and its working fine except some symbols are not rendering as it
should be. Could some one please suggest me how to accomplish this

Thank you
Mukesh Tiwari

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