Template Haskell supports antiquotation for built-in quasiquotes, e.g.:

  [| \x -> x + $([|3 * 4|]) |]

However, as far as I can tell, there is no way of supporting antiquotation in user-defined quasiquoters, because the only way to specify a new quasiquoter is through a quoteExp function of type String -> Q Exp. Of course, it is perfectly possible to write a parser for some fragment of Haskell inside your quoteExp function, but that seems crazy given that Template Haskell or rather GHC already implements a parser for the whole language.

I know about Language.Haskell.Exts.Parser in haskell-src-exts, which provides parseExp :: String -> ParseResult Exp, but that Exp is a different type to the one provided by Template Haskell.<http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/haskell-src-exts/1.9.0/doc/html/Language-Haskell-Exts-Syntax.html#t:Exp> I'm also aware of Dominic Orchard's syntax-trees package, which supports converting between the two representations using a cunning hack that pretty-prints the haskell-src-exts representation to a string and uses Template Haskell to parse it back.

Is there a saner way of simulating antiquotation in user-defined quasiquoters?


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