Hi Alexander,
sorry my initial example was maybe misleading. What I really what to do is
to associate each event with an arbitrary data type. For example, consider
the following events:

I want to associate the following data types with each, to pass to there
respective handlers:
NewPlayer ---> Player
NewRule ---> Rule
Message ---> String
User ---> String

Message and User have the same data type associated, that's why we can't
use this type as a key to index the event...

On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 12:04 AM, Alexander Solla <alex.so...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 1:59 PM, Corentin Dupont <
> corentin.dup...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I made some modifications based on your suggestions (see below).
>> I made a two parameters class:
>> *class (Typeable e, Typeable d) => Handled e d *
>> Because after all what I want is to associate an event with its type
>> parameters.
> I think our approaches are diverging.  In particular, I don't think you
> want to use both
> newPlayer :: Event Player
> newRule    :: Event Rule
> and also
> data NewPlayer
> data NewRule
> without a very good reason.  These are representations of the same
> relationship (the attachment/joining of "New" Event semantics to a Player
> or Rule) at different levels in the abstraction hierarchy.  All Handled e d
> type class is doing is attempting to (1) constrain some types, (2)
> "equate"/join NewPlayer and newPlayer (as far as I can see), which would be
> unnecessary without either NewPlayer or newPlayer.  That said, you can
> definitely have a good reason I'm not aware of.
> So what is your use case for NewPlayer, for example?
>> I don't know why I cannot implement you suggestion to restrict the
>> instances of Event:
>> *data **(Handled e d) => **Event e = Event deriving (Typeable, Eq)
>> *gives me a
>> *Not in scope: type variable `d'*
> Yeah, that's undecidable.  What would happen if you had
> instance Handled New    Player
> instance Handled New    Rule
> and you tried to make an (Event Player)?  The compiler couldn't decide
> between the instances.  In principle, functional dependencies (or type
> families, as you mentioned) would make d depend on e uniquely, but I don't
> think the data declaration is smart enough to figure it out, since it
> appears to be using scoping rules to deal with the possibility of
> undecidability.  If you want to try, the syntax would be:
> {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
> class Handled e d | e -> d where -- ...
> Of course, apparently the situation with multiple conflicting instances
> "should" never happen if you use NewPlayer and NewRule and so on.  But that
> compiler can't know it unless you tell it somehow.
>> But apart from that it works very well! It's quite a nice interface!
>> Also just to know, is there a way of getting ride of all these "Typeable"?
> Yes, but you would just be re-inventing the wheel.
> I pretty much constantly keep "deriving (Data, Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable)"
> in my clipboard.  I don't use Typeable (or Data), but useful libraries do.
>  For example, SafeCopy.
> I mean that I have events like:
>> Message String
>> UserEvent String
>> That have a "data" of the same type, but they are not related.
> Using my old version of the code for reference, nothing is stopping you
> from doing:
> data Event e = New | Message String | User String
>> {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, DeriveDataTypeable,
>> MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
>> *module Events (addEvent, newPlayer, newRule) where
>> import Control.Monad
>> import Data.List
>> import Data.Typeable
>> newtype Player = P Int deriving Typeable
>> newtype Rule = R Int deriving Typeable
>> data Event e = Event deriving (Typeable, Eq)
>> data NewPlayer deriving Typeable
>> data NewRule deriving Typeable
>> newPlayer :: Event NewPlayer
>> newPlayer = Event
>> newRule :: Event NewRule
>> newRule = Event
>> class (Typeable e, Typeable d) => Handled e d
>> instance Handled NewPlayer Player
>> instance Handled NewRule Rule
>> data EventHandler = forall e d . (Handled e d) => EH (Event e) (d -> IO
>> ())
>> addEvent :: (Handled e d) => Event e -> (d -> IO ()) -> [EventHandler] ->
>> [EventHandler]
>>  addEvent e h ehs = (EH e h):ehs
>> triggerEvent :: (Handled e d) => Event e -> d -> [EventHandler] -> IO ()
>> triggerEvent e d ehs = do
>>     let r = find (\(EH myEvent _) -> cast e == Just myEvent) ehs
>>     case r of
>>        Nothing -> return ()
>>        Just (EH _ h) -> case cast h of
>>         Just castedH -> castedH d
>>         Nothing -> return ()
>> -- TESTS
>> h1 :: Player -> IO ()
>> h1 (P a) = putStrLn $ "Welcome Player " ++ (show a) ++ "!"
>> h2 :: Rule -> IO ()
>> h2 (R a) = putStrLn $ "New Rule " ++ (show a)
>> eventList1 = addEvent newPlayer h1 []
>> eventList2 = addEvent newRule h2 eventList1
>> trigger1 = triggerEvent newPlayer (P 1) eventList2 --Yelds "Welcome
>> Player 1!"
>> trigger2 = triggerEvent newRule (R 2) eventList2 --Yelds "New Rule 2" *
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