On Tue, 19 Jun 2012, Jacques Carette wrote:

Its main novel features are:

* introduces a number of /testing strategies/ and /strategy combinators/
* introduces a variety of test execution methods
* guarantees uniform sampling (at each rank) for the random strategy
* guarantees both uniqueness and coverage of all structures for the
  exhaustive strategy
* introduces an /extreme/ strategy for testing unbalanced structures
* also introduces a /uniform/ strategy which does uniform sampling
  along an enumeration
* allows different strategies to be mixed; for example one can
  exhaustively test all binary trees up to a certain size, filled with
  random integers.
* complete separation between properties, generators, testing
  strategies and test execution methods

This sounds very interesting to me since I had a lot of trouble with changed test case distributions when switching from QuickCheck-1 to QuickCheck-2. It was mainly that tested numbers became much bigger in QuickCheck-2 and if I used the numbers as size of lists, then tests could not be run in reasonable time anymore. Thus I think more control over test-case generation is necessary.

QuickCheck is Haskell-98 and thus is very portable. I see that GenCheck needs some more extensions - type families, multi-parameter type classes, what else?

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