On 2/22/06, Ashley Yakeley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Josef Svenningsson wrote:
> > This is one of the things that the Clean people got right. In Clean, my
> > examples from above would look like:
> >
> >  > class MonadPlus m | Monad m where ...
> >  >
> >  > class Ix a | Ord a where ..
> >  >
> >  > instance Eq (Ratio a) | Integral a where ...
> Not quite the same complaint, but I've always been bothered by the
> inconsistent use of "=>". I would prefer "A => B" to mean "if A, then
> B". Accordingly:
>    class Monad m <= MonadPlus m

By your definition, couldn't what we have now (class Monad m =>
MonadPlus m) be read as "If m is in the Monad class, then the class
MonadPlus can be defined for m thusly:...", which seems pretty clear
to me.

Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
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