Cale Gibbard cgibbard at, Sun Oct 22 12:23:18 EDT 2006 

> The 'then' and 'else' visually separate the parts of the
> if-expression, and serve to guide one's eyes when reading code
> silently, and one's words when speaking it aloud.

This argument is true for every function. I don't see why
  if test then a else b
    is necessary, but
  foldr with_function f initial_state i on_list xs

If you really need "then" and "else" we could certainly construct some 
library functions, to let
  if test `then` a `else` b
    work, or
  if (test expression) then (a expression) else (b expression)

 infixr 0 then, else

data Else a = Else a a

else = Else

 and so on ...
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