2) There are other reasons why I want to use Haskell-98 and would like to be able to use other compilers. Thus, I'd want a pattern-binder preprocessor (extending GHC is not as important to me).

I see. though I'd hope that as long as we keep our extensions simple and
general enough, the other implementations will pick them up anyway.

Here's my motivating example. Here's a fragment for an STG interpreter in Haskell-98:
  rule_CASE_ELIM (Case p alts, s, h, o) =
      ConApp c as <- ptsTo p h
      let matchAlt (Alt c' vs e) | c == c' = Just (vs,e)
          matchAlt _                       = Nothing
      (vs,e) <- matchFirst matchAlt alts
      return (e `sub` (vs,as), s, h, o)

yes, abstract machines have inspired many a pattern match extension!-)

are we in Maybe, or in anything more complex? view patterns don't seem to apply, but pattern guards do, and lambda-match helps with the local function pattern (ignoring the Match type tag for the moment; given the revival of interest in pattern functions, eg., in view patterns, I ought to try and see whether I can get rid of the type tag in my library for the special case of Maybe):

rule_CASE_ELIM =
(| (Case p alts, s, h, o) | ConApp c as <- ptsTo p h
       , (vs,e) <- matchFirst (| (Alt c' vs e) | c == c' ->(vs,e) ) alts
       -> (e `sub` (vs,as), s, h, o) )

which isn't quite as abstract as the pattern binder/combinator version,
but at least I can see the scoping, which I am at a loss with in the pattern
binder version:

I'd like it to have a textual form just a little more abstract, I can do that with pattern binders and some appropriate combinators:

  rule_CASE_ELIM =
      { (Case p alts    , s, h, o) }
              &&& ptsTo p h === { ConApp c as  }
              &&& alts === matchFirst { Alt #c vs e }
        (e `sub` (vs,as), s, h, o)

I'll leave it as an exercise to figure out how the last is parenthesized ;-).

ok, I give up. there seem to be some new combinators, and the pattern binder variables are no longer distinguishable (via $). but unless you've changed the translation as well, the only way the scopes are going to come out right is if the layout is a lie, right? and how does the translation apply to pattern binders not in an infix application, in particular, how do vs/e get to
the rhs of .->?


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