On 2007 Feb 1, at 11:51 AM, David House indited:

On 01/02/07, Bulat Ziganshin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
there is common proposal that i support. example of its use:

i :: IORef Int
i <- newIORef 1

with a semantics equivalent to current use of usafePerformIO +INLINE in GHC

I think that's too safe-looking. Anything that translates to something
involving unsafe* should be tagged with 'unsafe' somewhere as well.
Also, as unsafe* is still compiler specific, I think a pragma is
probably most appropriate:

i :: IORef Int
i = unsafePerformIO (newIORef 1)

Hear hear!
As a Haskell newbie things are hard enough to keep straight without that kind of magical unsafe stuff going on.
Just sayin'


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