On 2007 Feb 2, at 5:46 AM, Malcolm Wallace indited:
Since yours is the first actual flame I can remember ever being posted
to any Haskell list, I think this counts as the beginning of the end of civilisation as we know it. :-) At least, the beginning of the end of civilised discussion. And couldn't you guess - over lexical syntax! :-)

Guess that means civilisation is as fragile as the syntax, eh? :-)

-- from: http://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/syntax-iso.html#sectB.4
impspec         ->    ( import1 , ... , importn [ , ] )       (n>=0)
                |        hiding ( import1 , ... , importn [ , ] )        (n>=0)
exports         ->    ( export1 , ... , exportn [ , ] )       (n>=0)

stmts           ->    stmt1 ... stmtn exp [ ; ]       (n>=0)
stmt            ->   exp ;
                |       pat <- exp ;
                |       let decls ;
                |       ;       (empty statement)


What would be the proper way to propose that:
        | ( exp1 , ... , expk )         (tuple, k>=2)
        | [ exp1 , ... , expk ]         (list, k>=1)
be amended to:
        | ( exp1 , ... , expk [ , ] )           (tuple, k>=2)
        | [ exp1 , ... , expk [ , ] ]           (list, k>=1)


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