Herewith I propose Atze Dijkstra as a member of the Haskell 2011 committee.

Atze is the main architect/implementor of the Utrecht Haskell Compiler (see, and last year Haskell Symposium), and has as a result of that a very good insight in the implementation issues involved with new features/extensions/changes. He furthermore co-supervises Arie Middelkoop who is working on the Ruler system, which aims to be a tool for describing (the implementations of) type systems, and Jeroen Fokker who is working on a Grin-based whole- program analysis

The compiler itself is currently about 100.000 lines of Haskell. A second release is planned for the beginning of next year, which will contain a completely new garbage collector, a cabal based installation scheme, and the beginning of some global optimisations.

I think Atze primarily covers the following categories: Implementors, Academic users, Teachers.

If you have any questions I am more than willing to answer them,


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