On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 07:51:10PM +0200, S. Doaitse Swierstra wrote:
> Currently Haskell has infix, infixl and infixr operators. I see a use for 
> infixlr as well. This indicates that the implemtation may assume the operator 
> to be associative, and thus has the freedom to "balance" an expression 
> containing several operator occurrences.

Would it be restricted to use with operators with types that are (a -> a
-> a) (or more specific)?

Otherwise e.g.
    let (+:) = (:)
        infixlr :+
    in [] +: [] +: []
could have type [[a]] or [[[a]]].

> The reason that I bring up this is that in a new combinator I have added to 
> my parser library (the <||> in Text.ParserCombinators.UU.Derived) internally 
> uses cartesian products, which are being constructed and updated. If the 
> compiler had the right to interpret  the expressions a <||> b <||>c <||> d  
> as e.g. (a <||> b) <||> (c <||> d) then the updating time for would go down 
> from O(n) to O(log n). 

How would the compiler work out which parsing to prefer? Or would it
assume that infixlr expressions are best balanced?

When first reading the proposal, I thought the idea was to allow the
compiler to more easily perform optimisations like
    a+b+c+2+3+d => a+b+c+5+d
but I guess that wasn't something you were thinking about?


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