The Haskell Language committee has had a quiet year. Following the announcement of Haskell 2010 in Nov 2009 [1], and the publication of the 2010 Report in July 2010 [2], we found a distinct lack of complete new proposals to decide upon. As a result, the committee has made the following decisions:

 (a) we wish to accept the NoDatatypeContexts proposal
(b) this delta will be applied to the 2010 Report to form a new baseline;
 (c) we will _not_ issue a new language standard called 2011;
 (d) we intend to issue a new language standard in 2012;
(e) the committee will continue for another year without new nominations.

However, let me make it clear that the apparent lull in committee activity does not mean there are no active proposals being made. On the contrary, proposals for language features (and removals) are made by the community at large (that's you) - the committee's main role is not to make proposals, but to decide which to accept. And there have in fact been a large number of proposals, but very few have made it all the way to the stage of producing a "language report delta" that could be accepted (or modified) by the committee.

So, I wish to declare "open season" on proposals for the 2012 standard. If there is a language feature you care about, please do take an hour or two to review the details on our wiki [3], search for older discussions on the mailing lists, and draft the Report changes you think would be necessary. I'm looking forward to a more active and exciting collection of potential language changes for 2012, but it will only happen if you get involved.

    Malcolm (Haskell 2011 committee chair)


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