>From Greg Weber, *Fri Mar 23 14:24:24 CET 2012:*
> This proposal doesn't have to break any codebases.
> One possibility is to add the Text type to the standard while
> keeping String and marking it as deprecated.

I for one would like to go on the record as being against any notion of
"deprecating" String.

Text is good for many use-cases, but it has very different*
asymptotic* behavior
for many operations, and cannot serve as a one-size-fits-all replacement
for String.

I am less strongly against adding Text to the standard, but mostly because
I am leery in that it brings a lot of language specification baggage and
risks making attempts to explore the design space around Text harder. (e.g.
Jasper's GSoC project this last year to investigate using UTF-8 encoded
Data.Text would have been a much harder sell if Text was codified in the
language standard!)

Text has a remarkably (necessarily) large API and for the first time, as
far as I can see, the specification would be largely requiring users to use
qualified imports to access everything inside of it, which complicates the
language standard from a pedagogical standpoint.

Isn't it enough that it is part of the platform?

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