1) This system is week.

It is still impossible write

   type Person = (lastName::Sting, name :: String)
   type Image = ( name :: ByteString, sizeX :: Int, sizeY :: Int )

 name :: (b ~ Stirng)       => (a,b)    -> b
 name :: (a ~ ByteString) => (a,b,c) -> a

2) you already could write

  name :: (String, b) -> String
  name (a, _) = a

You even could write now :

   data Person = Person Sting String
   data Image = Image ByteString Int Int

class Rec_Name a where
   type OutRec_Name a
   name :: a -> OutRec_Name a

instance (OutRec_Name Person ~ String) => Rec_Name Person
   type OutRec_Name Person = String
   name (Person _ a) = a

instance (OutRec_Name Image ~ ByteString) => Rec_Name Image
   type OutRec_Name Image = ByteString
   name (Person a _ _) = a

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