I would like to nominate myself for the Haskell Prime committee. I have been 
studying Haskell intensively as I'm working toward my PhD at the University of 
Pennsylvania, though I started programming in Haskell only in 2011.

* I have designed and implemented several new features in GHC:
  - Closed type families
  - Coercible/roles
  - Several Template Haskell improvements
* I am currently putting the final touches on a large patch to GHC, merging the 
type and kind language and allowing reasoning about kind equalities.
* My dissertation is about dependent types in Haskell/GHC.
* I am currently serving as the Template Haskell czar for GHC.
* I am an avid user of lots of GHC extensions, particularly those concerning 
types. Two of my packages -- singletons and units -- make very heavy use of 
type system features.

Relevant opinion:
* Despite my pushing the envelope in GHC, my approach toward a language 
standard is conservative. Specifically, I would advocate against any of GHC's 
growing dependent-type features to end up in the standard: we simply don't have 
enough experience with these!

My website is at www.cis.upenn.edu/~eir if you wish to learn more about me.

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