On 22.10 09:04, Herbert Valerio Riedel wrote:
> Fyi, Alan is currently working on levaraging HaRe[1] in
>  https://github.com/alanz/Hs2010To201x (the `parsing-only` branch)
> and it's already showing great promise. However, tools like this will
> only be able to handle the no-brainer cases, as in general it's a NP
> hard problem. But luckily, those boring mechanical refactorings usually
> represent the vast majority, and that's the tedious work we want
> tooling to assist us most with.

Yes, getting it 99% there as an automated tool would be enough
for most cases.

> > C) Hackage displays vocally what works with which versions of
> > GHC (Status reports do help somewhat)
> I.e. something like
>   http://matrix.hackage.haskell.org/package/text

Yes! Is there a reason that it is not displayed on
http://hackage.haskell.org/package/text which only
displays a link to Status of a 7.8.3 build?

How many percent of Hackage is built with matrix.h.h.o
and is there a plan to integrate it into Hackage pages?

- Taru Karttunen
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