While you're reviewing AMP, please take a bit of time to also comment on the related new MonadPlus excise proposal at https://github.com/haskell/rfcs/pull/23

The proposal is very short so it should be an easy decision. Thank you.

On 2018-12-15 6:46 p.m., Mario Blažević wrote:
The very first RFC created (https://github.com/haskell/rfcs/pull/1), the Applicative/Monad Proposal, has now reached the Last Call stage. In order to ground the discussion, I have taken some time to update the Prelude and the text of the Haskell Report with its effects before the call. The rendered report is available at https://github.com/blamario/rfcs/blob/amp/report/report/haskell.pdf for your review.


The proposed changes to the report add the latest design of the Applicative and Alternative classes, but otherwise are intentionally minimal. Any further modifications, like the MonadFail proposal or moving return out of the Monad class, should be relegated to new RFCs.

In some more detail, the changes are:

1. Applicative has been added as a subclass of Functor and superclass of Monad, its methods and laws as currently defined in the base library. The class and all its methods (pure, (<*>), (<*), (*>), and liftA2) are exported from Prelude, but no other Applicative-related functions (like liftA3) are.

2. The Functor class definition has been moved from module Control.Monad to Control.Applicative in order to avoid circular imports. Note that neither module is a part of the language specification.

3. The Monad class has been left unmodified, apart from making Applicative its superclass and adding  return a == pure a  as a law.

4. Alternative has been added to the Control.Applicative module, but not to Prelude. This is the same treatment already meted to MonadPlus. I'm unsure why MonadPlus even exists in the report, as it has no relevance to the language specification, and I would gladly remove both classes.

Please take some time within the following three weeks (including some extra allowance for the upcoming holiday breaks) to vote for or against the proposal, or to leave a comment with suggestions for its improvement.

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