On 2019-04-29 3:54 a.m., 佐藤玄基 wrote:

I found that the layout interpretation algorithm in Section 10.3 of Report 2010
produces parse-error when applied to the following code snippet:

[Snippet 1 : The code that fails to be parsed by Report]
main = print t where { t = s where s = 1 :: Int }
[/Snippet 1]

GHC 8.4.4 and GHC 8.6.4 accept this code, which is a good behavior in my opinion.

It's worth noting that the snippet is accepted by GHC even with -XAlternativeLayoutRule. Overall, I think I'd rather just have the concrete AlternativeLayoutRule algorithm in the specification than tweak the current broken and vague pseudo-code.

If we regard the behavior of those current GHCs as correct,
this "bug" in the Report lies in the following lines in the definition of the function L:

[Snippet 2 : A part of the layout interpretation algorithm in the Report]
L (} : ts) (0 : ms) = } : L ts ms (Note 3)
L (} : ts) ms = parse-error (Note 3)
[/Snippet 2]

I suggest this be modified to what follows:

[Snippet 3 : A Suggested modification to Snippet 2]
L (} : ts) (m : ms)
   | m == 0 = } : L ts ms
   | m > 0 = } : L (} : ts) ms
L (} : ts) [] = parse-error
[/Snippet 3]

Let me explain in detail.
First of all, how is Snippet 1 refused by the Report 2010 algorithm?
Let us emulate it by hand. Firstly pre-process Snippet 1:

[Snippet 4 : Pre-processed Snippet 1]
{1} main = print t where { t = s where {36} s = 1 :: Int }
[/Snippet 4]

I assumed that Snippet 1 is the only line in a file.
We may compute:

[Computation 5 : Apply L to Snippet 4]
L <Snippet 4> []
  = "{ main = print t where { t = s where { s = 1 :: Int"
        ++ L "}" [36,0,1]
[/Computation 5]

Wait here. What does L do next?
Looking from top to bottom, we hit the second line in Snippet 2,
which leads us to parse-error.
Now you might expect that the line

[Snippet 6 : Another part of the Report algorithm]
L (t : ts) (m : ms) = } : (L (t : ts) ms)   if m /= 0 and parse-error(t) (Note 5)
[/Snippet 6]

would help, but unfortunately it doesn't work.
Even if we put aside the fact that Snippet 6 is lower in the text than Snippet 2 and has lower priority of execution according to the usual Haskell matching rule,
this line in L won't be triggered by this parse error at all,
since *parse-error('}') is false!*
Let us go back to the definition of parse-error(t).

[Quotation 7 : Note 5 in the Report algorithm]
The side condition parse-error(t) is to be interpreted as follows:
if the tokens generated so far by L together with the next token t
represent an invalid prefix of the Haskell grammar,
and the tokens generated so far by L followed by the token "}"
represent a valid prefix of the Haskell grammar, then parse-error(t) is true.
[/Quotation 7]

Now, this is the point.
In this case, "the tokens generated so far by L together with the next token t" is:

[Snippet 8]
{ main = print t where { t = s where { s = 1 :: Int }
[/Snippet 8]

This is a *valid prefix of the Haskell grammar*, and hence parse-error('}') is false.

Therefore, any Haskell2010-compliant compiler should reject Snippet 1,
and this doesn't seem to be any sensible choice of specification.
Speaking generally, I guess the Report 2010's authors wanted
the case where a inner implicit brace and a outer explicit brace is closed at the same time
to be processed by the rule in Snippet 6,
but it doesn't work since Snippet 2 is before Snippet 6 in the definition of L
and parse-error(t) is always false if t = '}'.

The fix of this problem is easy: replace Snippet 2 with Snippet 3.
The added case of m > 0 is doing almost the same thing as Snippet 6, but parse-error(t) is removed.
If we distinguish implicit close-braces and explicit close-braces,
the condition m > 0 fully does the job of parse-error('}'),
so I expect there will be no problem with this modification.

I apologize you if this long text has exhausted your eyes.
I hope this suggestion would help.

Sincerely yours,
Genki SATO

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