Original-Via: uk.ac.nsf; Wed, 22 Jan 92 19:31:00 GMT

  I've been receiving the mailing list now for about a year and
now is the first time I've been able to site down and try to code
some stuff in Haskell.  Reading the Haskell definition is a bit 
tought going, even though I've programmed in both Hope and SML.
I was wondering if anyone has any examples, other that those in
the distribution and those that make up the preludes, that show
the various features of the language that I might have access to?


| Rob Ballantyne                  |                                      |
| email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |                                      |
|                                 |                                      | 
| Simon Fraser University         |   I can't decide what to put here    |
| Dept of Math/Stats              |                                      |
| Burnaby,BC                      |                                      |
| Canada                          |                                      |

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