Here is our current list of outstanding issues.  Unresolved items are
starred.  Please let me know ASAP of anything that I've omitted, or
which I've misinterpreted.  Joe has the token on the Prelude, but will
send it to Glasgow for integration and checking by Wednesday.  We have
the token on all other files.  We will distribute the final version
(dated 1st March 1992) by FTP early in March.


*       JHF: Division Operators and Names.
        Almost decided: div, rem, quo, mod.

        Irrefutable Patterns: Fixed

        Associativity of (%), (/)
        Both operators are infixl 7.

        Associativity of ::
        :: is non-associative.

        Precedence of @
        This is implicit in the syntax rules (it has a higher
        precedence than any operator).  No change required.

        take and drop.
        Remain as they are.

        Syntax of Expressions.
        (case fs of {[f] -> f} x) is *not* allowed.

        Class structure [Mikael Rittri's suggestion].
        Ix is a superclass of Integral,
        Enum is a superclass of Real.

        Split Num class [Gavin Wraith's suggestion].
        Decided: No.  But reconsider for Haskell 2.

        exit should write to stderr.
        Decided:  YES!
        Proposal: Do NOT also change abort to exit in the Prelude.

*       PH:  Left-hand sides.  Decided to take a minimal stance.
        Paul must decide whether to allow pat = exp, or require apat = exp.
        Current proposed syntax attached (again).


                lhs ::=   pat{i+1} varop(n,i) pat{i+1}
                        | lpat{i}  varop(l,i) pat{i+1}
                        | pat{i+1} varop(r,i) rpat{i}
[+]                     | pat - <nkpat>
                        | var apat+

                nkpat ::= (var | _) + integer

[+]     This could be apat instead, in which case nkpat is not needed.

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