| From: Stephen J Bevan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Date: Fri, 27 Nov 92 12:07:04 GMT 
| Is it possible to import a type and the derived "show" function for it
| without having to import all the type's constuctors?  For example, in
| the following I attempt to import just Lexeme into Token as the
| internal details of Lexeme should not be known to Token :-

>module Lexeme(Lexeme) where
>data Lexeme = Symbol_Lexeme Symbol | Int_Lexeme | ...
>  deriving(Eq,Text)

You should be able to export Lexeme as an abstract type, as above, 
generating the interface file

>interface Lexeme where
>data Lexeme deriving(Eq,Text)

The importing scope should understand that Lexeme is an instance of Text.
Instance information is exported whenever either the type is
exported, whether abstractly or not.


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