>George, I think you are implying that if an unshared list is passed to
  >this function then it can be mutated instead of copied.  But
  >determining that it is unshared can be very difficult (of course it is
  >undecideable in general).  Note in particular that you have to
  >determine if any of the list's SUBSTRUCTURE is shared.

  Could you be more specific? I don't understand why it is necessary to
  establish the uniqueness/non-uniqueness of the substructures just to
  (eventually) replace them?

Here's a simple example:

let x = [3,4]
    y = 1:2:x
in (change y 3 5, x)

where "change" is as George Nelan defined it.  Now, y is not
shared, and it's value is [1,2,3,4].  "change y 3 5" should
return [1,2,3,5].  But if it does so destructively then the
overall result will be  ([1,2,3,5], [3,5])  which is clearly
wrong.  This is a result of a y's substructure being shared (x).

  I would appreciate very much learning more about this subject,
  for example from the paper mentioned by Paul Hudak.

This topic has blossomed into a very active research area.  Does
anyone have a fairly comprehensive bibliography?  If not maybe I
should try to put one together.  I should also mention that Martin
Odersky and I have organized an ACM workshop on State in Programming
Languages (SIPL) which will be held between FPCA and PEPM in 

Copenhagen this June.  "State" is also of interest to imperative
language researchers (:-).

  But I have another question: what is the attitude of the Haskell gurus
  with respect to the solution proposed by the CONCURRENT CLEAN people -
  the usage of an explicit annotation UNQ to mark the un-shared objects
  and to allow their massacre?

I thought the Clean folks were using a linear type system of some
sort; is UNQ part of that?  If so, I think it's a very promising
direction to pursue.  The jury is not in on any of this.


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