>This whole issue regarding redefinition of + and - is getting confused
>unnecessarily.  Both of these are in PreludeCore and cannot be renamed
>or hidden.  Because of this their fixities cannot be changed.  It is
>possible to locally shadow + and - but this cannot change their
>fixities and has no effect on + in n+k patterns.
>Can't we find anything more interesting to discuss that the syntax??

Yes, it's not all that interesting, is it? The trouble is that it's
IMPORTANT. I think that what Lennart and Kent have been saying is that the
report is not clear in these matters. Since it's a reference point, it is
vital that all who read it understand what is required when writing
programs and when making implementations. That's the trouble with
standardisation! And isn't that what the idea of Haskell is all about? Of
course we have tried to have our cake and eat it by allowing subsets,
supersets, supersets of subsets ...

Tony Davie               Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences
Tel: +44 334 63257       St.Andrews University
Fax: +44 334 63278       North Haugh
                         KY16 9SS

Q: What do you get if you cross a mountain climber with a mosquito?

A: You can't.  The mosquito is a vector, but the mountain climber is a

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