I don't like Phil's suggestion to have non-lifted products:

* It messes up the uniform semantics for algebraic data types (all lifted).
  For example

a) You have to explain that
        f ~(z,a) = ...  is the same as          f (z,a) = ...
        g ~(z:a) = ...  is NOT the same as      f (z:a) = ...

b) You have to explain that if 

        f (Foo y) = ...

   then f is strict if Foo is one of a multi-constructor data type, but
   non-strict otherwise (unless "..." is strict in y!)

  (Unless non-lifted products are a different construct, which complicates
  the language, and 

* An alternative is, I suppose, to have both standard, lifted algebraic data
  types, and a new form of data construction, namely non-lifted tuples.  I like it

* Lennart says that if the non-lifted products can also have strictness
  annotations then it requires parallel evaluation.  I think it's rather
  amazing that one can implement non-lifted products without parallelism; doing
  so in the presence of strictness annoations makes my head hurt.  I bet
  Lennart is right.

Efficiency was not the only reason for having lifted tuples; semantic uniformity
was a major one.

Incidentally, a much less invasive way to achieve what Phil wants
would be to say that there's a ~ stuck on every pattern from a
single-constructor data type (or built-in tuple type?).  Myself, I'd dislike
this, esp if there was no way to "undo" it and recover strict matching, but it
solves Phil's problem without adding new data types.


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