In `A new view of guards', Simon cited

> [2] W Burton, E Meijer, P Sansom, S Thompson, P Wadler, "A (sic) extension
>         to Haskell 1.3 for views", sent to the Haskell mailing list
>         23 Oct 1996

Was that posted on this Haskell mailing list?  Does anyone know where I could
get a copy of this proposal?

> I would really welcome feedback on this proposal

Here goes, ...

Reaction to Pattern Guards

      * I am sure that I have been nobbled by the lack of pattern guards
        regularly but have got used to clunking my way round the problem.  I
        think I could get comfortable with pattern guards quickly.  I agree
        (with Simon) that pattern guards look a much better bet than views.

      * Putting guards into the where clause would break my declarative
        and operational model of Haskell.

      * Guards correspond (almost) to if-then-else expressions but this would
        no longer be the case with pattern guards.  Should Haskell have a
        conditional that expresses this way of choosing?

      * An aspect that I like of Haskell and the report is the translational
        semantics used to account for most of its constructions, particularly
        pattern matching.  How would this work out?

My Own Gripe: if-then-else

I have longstanding dislike of Haskell's expression conditional:

      * The use of keywords makes it visually unappealing and quite hard to
        pick out if-then-else expressions, unless keywords are set in bold

      * The use of three keywords to express something that can be expressed
        with a single function application seems extravagant.

      * It is not easy to get a layout for if-then-else that is entirely
        satisfactory.  My standard format is

                if test_expression
                   then success_part
                   else failure_part

        which takes up three lines and allows either of the branch expressions
        to spill onto successive lines, with each such line being a tab stop in
        from the `if' column.  The problem comes when several conditions are
        present, provoking a rightward march.  In this case I use

                if test1 then
                else if test2 then

        but I don't like it (the conditional expressions are not lined up and
        they tend to be buried in thickets of else-if-then keywords).

      * The interaction between if-then-else and do layout doesn't always work
        out so well -- the first arrangement above works but the second one
        doesn't (all of the expression must stay on the right of the opening
        `if' when the conditional is used as a `do' statement, otherwise layout
        will terminate the statement early).  The following is wrong:

             do if test1 then
                else if test2 then

        This seems to be a gotcha for non-expert Haskell users.

Sometimes I have felt tempted to write

        case test_expression of
          True -> success_part
          False -> failure_part

(and I know somebody who *does* do this) or even

        case () of
          () | test1 -> part1
             | test2 -> part2
             | otherwise -> part3

which has led me to wonder about an alternative `if' syntax.

An Alternative Conditional

Proposal: add the following conditional expression:

          | test1 -> part1
          | test2 -> part2
          | otherwise -> part3

It works well with multi-way conditionals and `do' expressions; it is easy to
lay out; it stands out visually; it almost looks as if it is there already.
The layout rule shouldn't be needed here.

I suspect that the syntax should force the last clause to be an `otherwise'
conditional, entailing the conversion of `otherwise' to full keyword-hood.  As
such, if existing programs redefined `otherwise' or used them in non-guard
contexts then they would be broken, but easily fixable.  Otherwise it should be
upwards compatible with Haskell 1.4.  if-then-else could be phased out (or
retained I suppose).

Of course, this syntax would pave the way for including pattern guards in

Pattern Guards and Conditionals

If case conditionals were added at the same time as pattern guards, would they
make it any easier to account for them?  I suspected so and tried it out.
(This is a first cut; I am sure it can be improved.)


The following productions would be added to the syntax (`exp^10' is extended;
`alt' and `gdpat' supplant the existing ones; `quals' and `cgdpat' are new).

exp^{10}        ->      \cdots
                |       case cgdpat

alt             ->      pat @->@ exp [@where@ decllist]
                |       pat (gdpat|cgdpat) [@where@ decllist]

quals           ->      qual \{ @,@ qual \}

gdpat           ->      @|@ quals @->@ exp [ gdpat ]

cgdpat          ->      gdpat @|@ @otherwise@ @->@ exp

Note that guarded patterns (gdpat) and complete guarded patterns (cgdpat) are
being distinguished syntactically.  I say that this is a good thing as there is
an important semantic difference.

Semantics: Case Expressions

These rules would replace rule (c) of `Semantics of Case Expressions' in the
Haskell report.  [Incidentally, I think there is a problem with the placement
of ';'s in this rule in the report.]

Rule (c)(i): completing alternatives

case v of { p | g where { decls }; _ -> e }

= case e of { y ->      (where y is a completely new variable)
        case v of { p | g | otherwise -> y where { decls }; _ -> y }}

   where `| g' is a guarded pattern (gdpat)

Rule (c)(ii): separating (complete) guards from alternatives

case v of { p | cg where { decls }; _ -> e }

= case v of { p -> let { decls } in case | cg; _ -> e }

    where `| cg' is a complete guarded pattern (cgdpat)

The first rule converts incomplete guards into equivalent complete guards and
the second rule lifts complete guards into conditionals.

Semantics: Conditionals

These are easy enough.

(a) convert to standard form

case | g_1       -> e_1
     | ...
     | otherwise -> e

= (\v -> case | True, g_1 -> e_1
              | ...
              | otherwise -> v) e

   where v is a completely new variable

(b) convert into two way conditionals

case | g_1       -> e_1
     | ...
     | otherwise -> v

= case | g_1       -> e_1
       | otherwise -> 
                case | ...
                     | otherwise -> v

(c) eliminate guard qualifiers

case | qs, e'    -> e
     | otherwise -> v

= case | qs, True <- e' -> e
       | otherwise      -> v

(d) eliminate let qualifiers

case | qs, let { decls } -> e
     | otherwise -> v

= case | qs -> let { decls } in e
       | otherwise -> v

(e) eliminate pattern qualifiers

case | qs, p <- e' -> e
     | otherwise   -> v

= case | qs        -> case e' of { p -> e; _ -> v }
       | otherwise -> v

(f) done

case | True      -> e
     | otherwise -> v

= e


It looks as if case conditionals may help explain pattern guards in separating
them out from the pattern matching machinery.  In doing so it would make for a
more uniform treatment of a new construct in addition to cleaning up the older
if-then-else expressions.

Chris Dornan                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University College Cork         +353 21 902837

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