| >  For example, in this case we could write (rather less elegantly)
| >  
| >  g2 a | (x:xs) <- h a, (y:ys) <- h x = if y<0 then e1
| >                                        else if y>0 then e2
| >                                        else e3
| >
| > To avoid this difficulty with functions like g2...
| Why does the Haskell community have such an antipathy to if...then...else...?
| Tony said that choice of construct is a matter of personal style. Nonetheless,
| I think that this whole debate crystalises a consensus that guards are
| prefereable to conditional expressions.

Thas's easily explained.  The reason I might not want to use if-then-else is
because there might be a subsequent equation I want to try if this one
fails.  Like this:

  g2 a | (x:xs) <- h a, (y:ys) <- h x, y<0 = e1
  g2 a | (x:xs) <- h a, (y:ys) <- h x, y>0 = e2
  g2 a | not (foo a)                       = e3
  g2 a | otherwise                         = e4

Does that help?  (Of course one can compile all pattern matching into
case and if-then-else; that's what the semantics in the report does.  But
then your functions definitions tend to trail off to the right of the page
and can get hard to read.)


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