Briefly, what is the difference between Damas-Milner and Hindley-Milner

None.  They are different names for the same thing.

The actual algorithm was discovered a number of times.  Hindley
wrote a history of it, which I don't have to hand.  He notes that
it had already been implemented on a computer in the 1950s!
I believe he attributes it to Curry.  It was also rediscovered by
a number of others, including Jim Morris, then a PhD student at MIT.

Hindley wrote down a concise description, based on logic.  Milner,
independently, rediscovered the algorithm, apparently not based on
logic.  Later, Milner and his PhD student Damas reformulated the
algorithm in a much more accessible way, with the connection to logic

Milner's key contribution -- and very important it was, too -- was to
add the syntactic form `let x=e0 in e1'.  Without this, the algorithm
infers principle types, but does not seriously exploit polymorphism.

-- P

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