On the evil iteration laziness. Do not panic.
There were a couple of messages from me on the subject of the evil
treating of iteration in lazy evaluation.  The worst examples are 
like this:
           let  sum xs = foldl (+) 0 xs  ::Int  in  sum [1..n]

Probably, in most Haskellish systems `sum' is implemented this way.
And this causes a strangely large need for the  stack/heap space - 
proportional to  n  - as if the list [1..n] was not lazy.
This is due to that the lazy `foldl' generates here the expessions
           foldl (+) (..(+(+(+ 0 1) 2) 3)..) [4..]
That is the lazy evaluation of sub-expression sometimes cause the
evil strictness effect in the whole iteration process. And this is
why the popular recursion-to-iteration technique may yield the bad

I hope the Haskellites have not yet got into such a panic as to whipe
out all their programs.  The situation is not so tragically bad.
For example, the iterations 
                    foldl (+) zeroPolynomial  [x^i | i<-[0..n]]    (1)

                   reverse xs =  foldl (\ys x->x:ys) [] xs         
are quite good.
Because in (1),  (+)  accumulates the linearly increasing in size sum
1 + x + x^2 + x^3 + ...  - the result is as large as  xs.
The same is with `reverse'.

Another observation is that on average, xs  is still unfolded only 
half-lazily.  For the other parts of the embracing program may use the
same variable  xs,  and as they unfold  xs,  its values are re-used in
this iteration, and it still have to take that much space.
The in-formal summary:

  the effect of the evil lazy iteration with the "accumulating
  function"  f  and the "argument list"  xs  takes place when 
    (f z x)  increases the "sum" z slowly  and
    xs  is unfolded slowly by the other parts of computation.

So, the worst example might be, say:   foldl min 0 [1..n]  :: Int  

Probably, in such evil iteration case, we have to apply `strict' and
provide  foldl_new  to do this on the generic basis:
sum xs =  foldl_new Strict (+) 0 xs 
foldl_new :: Eval a=> StrictnessFlag -> (a->b->a) -> a -> [b] -> a

foldl_new  Lazy =  foldl
foldl_new  _    =  foldl_s  
        foldl_s  _ z []     =  z
        foldl_s  f z (x:xs) =  strict (\u->foldl_s f u xs) (f z x)
data  StrictnessFlag =  Lazy | Strict

- ?
Personally, I hate this `strict' thing.
The best solution might be the clever compiler that seeing the final 
usage (and type) of (+) satisfying the condition (EI), creates the 
"internal" specialization of  sum xs  to  foldl_new Strict (+) 0 xs.
In its generic setting, such a detection task is algorithmically 
un-solvable.  Still this is, probably, a good subject for the program 
transformators. For they might try to solve it for the large range
of simple cases.
It may well occur, the functional tool designers are aware of all this
(by the way, what does the `strictness analyzer'?)  and are inventing
the corresponding tools. 
In this case, the example with  sum xs :: Int,  shows that the task 
is far too hard ...

Sergey Mechveliani


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