MPC '98

               Fourth International Conference on 


                      June 15 - 17, 1998

                       Marstrand, Sweden

                    Post-conference workshops: 

        * Workshop on Generic Programming, WGP'98

        * International Workshop on Constructive Methods for 
          Parallel Programming, CMPP'98

        * Formal Techniques for Hardware and Hardware-like 
          Systems, FTH'98

                        CALL FOR PAPERS

The general theme of this series of conferences is the use of crisp,
clear mathematics in the discovery and design of algorithms and in the
development of corresponding software or hardware. The conference
theme reflects the growing interest in formal, mathematically based
methods for the construction of software and hardware. The goal of the
MPC conferences is to report on and significantly advance the state of
the art in this area. Previous conferences were held in 1989 at
Twente, The Netherlands, organised by the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, in
1992 at Oxford, United Kingdom, and in 1995 at Kloster Irsee, Germany,
organised by Augsburg University.

Full papers should be submitted in Postscript format by e-mail to
reach Johan Jeuring by December 15, 1997. The details of the
submission procedure can be found at 

Although there is no page limit, submissions should strive for
brevity. Simultaneous submission to the conference and a
post-conference workshop is allowed.


The emphasis is on the combination of  c o n c i s e n e s s  and 
p r e c i s i o n  in  c a l c u l a t i o n a l  t e c h n i q u e s 
for program construction. We solicit high quality papers on original
research, typically in one of the following areas:

  - formal specification of sequential and concurrent programs;
  - constructing implementations to meet specifications;

in particular,

  - program transformation;
  - program analysis;
  - program verification;
  - convincing case studies.

While this list is not exclusive it is intended to show the focus of the

We expect to publish the proceedings as a Springer LNCS, ready at
the conference.


Marstrand is a small island on the beautiful westcoast of Sweden, 40
km from Goteborg. The charming old houses, the fortress, the walking
paths, and the absence of cars make this island a very pleasant
resort. There are direct flights to Goteborg Landvetter from most
European main cities, and busses from Goteborg to Marstrand.

                      PROGRAMME COMMITTEE 

   Ralph-Johan  Back               Finland      
        Roland  Backhouse          The Netherlands  
       Richard  Bird               UK  
         Eerke  Boiten             UK  
          Dave  Carrington         Australia     
         Robin  Cockett            Canada        
         David  Gries              USA          
       Lindsay  Groves             New Zealand 
           Wim  Hesselink          The Netherlands 
     Zhenjiang  Hu                 Japan 
         Barry  Jay                Australia 
         Johan  Jeuring            Sweden (Chair) 
          Dick  Kieburtz           USA     
     Christian  Lengauer           Germany  
       Lambert  Meertens           The Netherlands  
        Sigurd  Meldal             Norway         
      Bernhard  Moller             Germany
         Chris  Okasaki            USA 
          Jose  Oliveira           Portugal
          Ross  Paterson           UK           
          Mary  Sheeran            Sweden       
          Doug  Smith              USA          

                LOCAL ORGANISATION

MPC '98 is organised by the Computing Science department of Chalmers
University of Technology and University of Goteborg. The organisation
committee consists of the following people:

                 Patrik Jansson
                  Johan Jeuring
                  Marie Larsson
                   Mary Sheeran

                  IMPORTANT DATES

       Submission           December 15, 1997
       Notification         February 9,  1998
       Final version due    March 30,    1998


The following one-day workshops are being organised in conjunction with 
MPC '98 and will take place after the main conference.

  * International Workshop on Generic Programming. 

  * International Workshop on Constructive Methods for 
      Parallel Programming, CMPP'98:

  * Formal Techniques for Hardware and Hardware-like Systems, FTH'98:



          Johan Jeuring (MPC '98)
          Department of Computing Science
          Chalmers University of Technology
          S-412 96 Goteborg
          E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
          Fax: +46 31 165655

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