| > * R{x} constructs a record, and is equivalent to R{x=x}
 | > * r{x} updates the x field of record r, and is equivalent to r{x=x}
 | > * R{x} can be used as a pattern; its meaning is not defined by the
 | >   report, but is presumably supposed to be the same as R{x=x}

This brings us to another issue. Doesn't the following definition look
a bit awkward? 

  R{ x = x }

At first sight, it looks like it means:

  R{ x = bottom }

But it doesn't. Why does a binding using `=' suddenly have another meaning
then usual? I think

  R{ x = f x }

should just mean:

  let x' = f x' in R{ x = x' }.

Moreover, look at the following two expressions:

  R{ a = b },
  let f R{ a = b } = 3 in f.

In the first one, the variable (field name) a is bound to b. In the second
one, the variable b is bound to the field name a. Why is it suddenly the
case that variables on the right hand side of an `=' sign get bound?

I can see two solutions to these problems:

  - make `=' inside records work like they work in `let's. That is,
recursive definitions work, and binding is always done on the left hand

  - choose another symbol than `='. It is confusing otherwise!

But of course, introducing these kind of changes will break existing
Haskell programs...


Koen Claessen,
Chalmers University of Technology.

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